As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.
About My Family
Hello! My name is Brian Hoxie, and I am the lead pastor and planter of The Outpost Network.
My amazing, beautiful wife, Lindsay, and I have been married since 2016. We have two wonderful children, James and Noelle. We are incredibly excited to embark on this journey together as a family!
My amazing, beautiful wife, Lindsay, and I have been married since 2016. We have two wonderful children, James and Noelle. We are incredibly excited to embark on this journey together as a family!
About My Church Plant
I am so excited to plant and pastor The Outpost Network in Tampa, Fla. The Outpost Network is both an organic, decentralized network of groups and (micro)churches and an organized, centralized team who equips multiplying disciples and churches throughout our city and beyond. The Outpost Network utilizes an innovative yet ancient—and biblical—ecclesiology in order to see MOVEMENT.
Utilizing disciple-making and church-planting movement based strategies, we train everyone in our network to multiply themselves, reproducing what Jesus did in His earthly ministry and what the disciples did in the early Church. We train everyone how to enter new/existing places/peoples, share the gospel broadly, make disciples of those who believe, organize those new disciples into biblical/healthy churches and develop/send new leaders out.
Utilizing disciple-making and church-planting movement based strategies, we train everyone in our network to multiply themselves, reproducing what Jesus did in His earthly ministry and what the disciples did in the early Church. We train everyone how to enter new/existing places/peoples, share the gospel broadly, make disciples of those who believe, organize those new disciples into biblical/healthy churches and develop/send new leaders out.
NAMB Church Planting
Millions in North America are in desperate need of hope. Ultimately, the only hope that’s going to last - in this life and the next - is the hope of the gospel. North American missionaries build relationships and share this hope in their communities and beyond.