Christopher Kenney

Temple Baptist Church,
Healthcare Chaplaincy
Temple Baptist Church
May 8
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About My Family

I am from California and spent the vast majority of my life in the northern part of the state. I grew up in a Christian home, but I did not fully commit my life to Christ until my early twenties. I developed a passion for serving the Lord in worship and leading Bible studies early in my walk of faith.

During my deployment while I was in the Army, I sensed a call to become a pastor and a chaplain. I met my wife, Atri, shortly before my deployment and kept a long-distance relationship. She too grew up in a Christian home. We got married about a year after that and have been together for almost 10 years. We are both committed to serving the Lord.

My desire is to become an Army chaplain to go back and reach soldiers for Christ!

About My Ministry

I am currently an SBC-endorsed hospice chaplain. For three years, I have been ministering unto people at end of life. I get to talk to all kinds of patients and their families about the eternal hope in Jesus Christ! I have completed one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education that includes hospital visits to the VA clinic and military hospitals.

I have served in volunteer leadership positions in a couple of churches over the past 12 years. These positions range from youth leader, small group leader for young adults, music worship, Bible studies in a military setting and volunteer prison ministry.

I went to the King’s University to get my master’s degree in Divinity for the purpose of pursuing the call to ministry. I have served as associate pastor for almost four years filling in wherever needed, which includes preaching the Word!

SBC Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy is a vital frontline ministry and extension of the local church. Chaplains reach the lost among the thousands of men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces, correctional facilities, healthcare settings, public safety, disaster relief sites, and corporate environments. SBC Chaplains care for the broken, offer hope to the hopeless, and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ in hard-to-reach places.
The qualifications expected of a Southern Baptist applying for endorsement as a chaplain or counselor are established by their institution and the Chaplains Commission, SBC. These qualification requirements vary according to the type of chaplaincy or counseling ministry involved but all are expected to meet a high level of ministerial competence.


Pray for boldness to share the gospel and open hearts among the people to whom I minister. Pray for people to come to saving faith in Jesus. Pray for more to become missionaries and chaplains.


Commit to long-term prayer support. Explore the opportunities to extend the reach of your church by becoming a chaplain. Be involved in supporting chaplains and their families. Send notes of encouragement. Talk with a chaplain about his or her ministry context. Send resources that support a chaplain’s ministry context. Pray for chaplains and their families.
Many missionaries build a team to join their ministry in prayer, participation, and provision. These friends, family and churches support missionaries beyond the tithes and offerings given within the church plant. Visit for NAMB's policy on providing for church plants.