As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.
About My Family
My wife, Chris, and I have been married since 2000, and we have four kids. Our daughter is the oldest, and then we have three boys. Chris and I have been in ministry together since our years in college, and we make a great team.
Chris homeschools the kids, leads in women's ministry both at the church plant and in the state, and leads our praise team at church. Our daughter is currently serving at the church plant as one of our sound techs and with the children's classes. The boys enjoy serving as greeters, ushers and even help Chris choose songs for Sunday morning worship. As a family we love board games, family movie nights and spending time with friends.
We are originally from Maryland and, unlike most of our neighbors here in Indiana, we are loyal Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Ravens fans! Life is never boring, and we are thankful that God has given us the ability to serve Him together.
Chris homeschools the kids, leads in women's ministry both at the church plant and in the state, and leads our praise team at church. Our daughter is currently serving at the church plant as one of our sound techs and with the children's classes. The boys enjoy serving as greeters, ushers and even help Chris choose songs for Sunday morning worship. As a family we love board games, family movie nights and spending time with friends.
We are originally from Maryland and, unlike most of our neighbors here in Indiana, we are loyal Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Ravens fans! Life is never boring, and we are thankful that God has given us the ability to serve Him together.
About My Church Plant
Crosspoint Church is a church replant in the heart of Richmond, Ind. In 2014, there was a church in Richmond that had to make the hard decision to close its doors and cease to exist. They had experienced some very difficult years and, after much prayer and discussion with the state convention, decided it would be best to end its ministry.
At the same time, God was leading my family and another couple from our home church to consider church planting. In September of 2015, our family and four others moved from southern Indiana to Richmond to begin the process of starting a new church in the building of the previous church. Among the four who moved to Richmond with us were Brandon and Stephanie Doyle. Brandon is serving as co-pastor with Dan as we launch this church plant. They have been invaluable partners with us in this adventure.
After months of prayer, outreach and building renovation projects, we launched as Crosspoint Church May 1, 2016 and just celebarted our one year anniversary in May 2017. Our vision as a church plant is to "touch every corner of the world with the gospel," and we have been overwhelmed as God has provided us with numerous opportunities to see this begin.
One major ministry at Crosspoint is our college outreach. Brandon has been selected by our state convention to begin college ministries at the three college campuses in our city. He and Stephanie have a weekly college Bible study that is growing each month. We have been able to host international students from four different countries at the church as well. Along with our college ministry, we have an ongoing coffee ministry in three local schools. Each month we take breakfast and coffee to the schools and have been allowed to stay and talk and even pray with the teachers who come to see us. Several of the teachers have visited Crosspoint for worship, too.
We have seen our membership grow and our recent membership totals 58! We have already had nine baptisms since May 2016. We recently started weekly Bible study and missions discipleship on Wednesday nights for all ages. There is still a lot of work to do on the actual building but the excitement of the people is contagious, and we are seeing renewed passion. Marriages are being strengthened, families are growing in their faith and students are being introduced to Jesus for the first time. God is doing amazing things in our church plant.
At the same time, God was leading my family and another couple from our home church to consider church planting. In September of 2015, our family and four others moved from southern Indiana to Richmond to begin the process of starting a new church in the building of the previous church. Among the four who moved to Richmond with us were Brandon and Stephanie Doyle. Brandon is serving as co-pastor with Dan as we launch this church plant. They have been invaluable partners with us in this adventure.
After months of prayer, outreach and building renovation projects, we launched as Crosspoint Church May 1, 2016 and just celebarted our one year anniversary in May 2017. Our vision as a church plant is to "touch every corner of the world with the gospel," and we have been overwhelmed as God has provided us with numerous opportunities to see this begin.
One major ministry at Crosspoint is our college outreach. Brandon has been selected by our state convention to begin college ministries at the three college campuses in our city. He and Stephanie have a weekly college Bible study that is growing each month. We have been able to host international students from four different countries at the church as well. Along with our college ministry, we have an ongoing coffee ministry in three local schools. Each month we take breakfast and coffee to the schools and have been allowed to stay and talk and even pray with the teachers who come to see us. Several of the teachers have visited Crosspoint for worship, too.
We have seen our membership grow and our recent membership totals 58! We have already had nine baptisms since May 2016. We recently started weekly Bible study and missions discipleship on Wednesday nights for all ages. There is still a lot of work to do on the actual building but the excitement of the people is contagious, and we are seeing renewed passion. Marriages are being strengthened, families are growing in their faith and students are being introduced to Jesus for the first time. God is doing amazing things in our church plant.
NAMB Church Planting
Demonstrated Christian character is essential for missionaries and chaplains to gain credibility and build community. A missionary is a person who, in response to God's call and gifting, leaves his or her comfort zone and crosses cultural, geographic or other barriers to proclaim the gospel and live out a Christian witness in obedience to the Great Commission. The North American Mission Board supports missionaries serving across the United States, Canada and their territories. Churches are the missionary incubators and sending centers for missionaries through the Southern Baptist Convention. Missionaries serve in a variety of settings and face tremendous challenges. But the rewards are tremendous and life-changing. Missionaries have the privilege to represent their church and their Father in sharing the gospel as the primary focus of their activity. If you are interested in pursuing next steps as a potential missionary or chaplain from your church, explore the possibilities at