Dave Wible

Testimony Church, Ohio
Mentor Ohio
Testimony Church
December 11
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About My Family

Jill and I are first and forever followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved us and died for us. He is our Savior, our life and our love. We are humbled and sincerely grateful to the Southern Baptist Convention for enabling us to actually live out a lifetime dream of being full-time, disciple-making movement church planters after serving Christ bivocationally for 44 years. We became disciple-making movement church planters at age 61! Jill and I have three children, nine grandchildren, two great grandchildren and two more being wondrously formed by God Almighty right now.

About My Ministry

Our disciple making movement is called Testimony Church. We are unique in many ways. We do not plant churches; we make disciples—lots of them, 230 salvations in 3 1/2 years—and these obedient followers of Christ group to become organically planted churches right where they are. We are also different in that we have never asked anyone for money. We depend on God to meet our ministry needs or help us personally find more work to meet our own needs. We have no debt. We have no buildings, except an apartment donated when the owner saw God working through us on his property. We spend about $400 or less to bring someone to Christ.
We seldom ask anyone to come to our meetings. Instead, we go to them. This is organic church planting. God gives us amazing harvests this way.


Pray for the Lord Jesus to continue to give us many persons of peace whose hearts have been prepared by Him to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray that every Testimony Church disciple will be a fruit bearer, leaving this world behind and following Jesus at all costs through obedience to His living, loving Word. Pray for Dave and Jill, who are now both back working full-time jobs at 65+ along with leading the Testimony Movement ministry. Pray for miraculous strength and for God's keeping and protective hand on their health and home.


Your prayers are our salvation and our hope.
Many missionaries build a team to join their ministry in prayer, participation, and provision. These friends, family and churches support missionaries beyond the tithes and offerings given within the church plant. Visit sendnetwork.com/PlanterFunding for NAMB's policy on providing for church plants.