David Whitehead

Connections Church , Hawaii
Lead Church Planter
Kapolei Hawaii
Connections Church
February 3
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

Nancy and I have three adult children, whom we raised in Hawaii, and two grandchildren.

I pastored three mainland churches before planting and pastoring a church in Kona for seven years. I then worked in Hawaii as a church planting catalyst for Send Network for five years, assisting 12 new church starts.

Still working with Send Network, I moved to Los Angeles to help 52 more new church plants get started there. Nancy and I then sensed God leading us back to Hawaii to plant this new church in Kapolei.

I think God's ways are amazing, especially since I worked as an accountant in Arizona for seven years before God called me into full-time ministry. That prompted me to attend Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, where I received a Master of Divinity degree.

About My Church Plant

We believe this new church will exist to see individuals and families encounter the real God through real relationships. We dream of many who will give their lives to Jesus for the first time, along with many who will come back to Him in a renewed relationship.

We envision God strengthening relationships and marriages with healthy families being a solid foundation in the community. We dream of many being raised up as leaders and sent out to start new churches and do mission work in Hawaii and around the world.

Starting a new church during the coronavirus pandemic has been difficult. We are currently meeting at a unique location that God provided—a water park. We are meeting people through many diverse avenues and as Hawaii's strict COVID-19 restrictions allow. Our grand opening is scheduled for September 2021, Lord willing.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions in North America are in desperate need of hope. Ultimately, the only hope that’s going to last - in this life and the next - is the hope of the gospel. North American missionaries build relationships and share this hope in their communities and beyond.


Please pray workers and leaders will be raised up to assist in this new work. Pray the needed funding will be provided to help this new church grow to be self-sustaining. Pray God will draw many to Himself through this ministry. Pray for boldness to share the gospel and open hearts among the people to whom we speak. Pray that through this ministry, more people would come to saving faith and live on mission. Pray for stamina and longevity for ministry amidst attacks from the enemy.


Contact Pastor David to discover partnership opportunities and ways to pray, participate and provide. Build relationships with missionaries and their families. Send notes of encouragement. Learn birthdays and anniversaries, so you can send gifts and cards.
Learn the ministry strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a missionary financially.