Devin Woods

Sower Church,

Sower Church
February 23
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

I grew up in Lincoln, Neb. Around middle-school aged, I was invited to a summer camp, which led me to believe in Jesus Christ. Then I was invited to a youth group, which was the foundation of my faith.

About My Ministry

I work with Sower Church as the official youth coordinator.

The three core values of our youth group will shape community, gospel and generosity.
–Building and showing the importance of seeking a God-centered COMMUNITY that will shape the teens as they age.
–Using what they learn to share the GOSPEL by living it out by serving those.
–Having and understanding that we should use GENEROSITY and love those whatever the circumstance.

Support the Local Ministry of

Devin Woods

Ministry Fund ID 387410-Woods,Devin
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.


Pray these teens will be open to living like and understanding more like Christ. Pray for a God-centered community. Pray for the unreached teens who they come to know Christ through their friends or the youth group. Pray for stamina and longevity for ministry amidst attacks from the enemy.


Partner: I would love to meet with you to talk about partnering with me in this work! Pray: Pray I would keep God first, this ministry and the work within the ministry!
Learn the ministry strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a missionary financially.
Fund ID: 387410-Woods,Devin