Eric Reiber

New Life Student Fellowship, Pennsylvania

Collegiate/University Missionary
State College Pennsylvania
New Life Student Fellowship
December 21
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

My family and I are ministering to college students at Penn State University. My wife, Kate, my children (Fynn, Maggie and Lucy) and I are excited about living and working in the State College community. We moved to State College in 2015 in freezing February but have come to love the four seasons. We enjoy hiking, going to parks and watching our kids grow up here.

Thank you for partnering with us through prayer and resources. We love our supporters.

About My Ministry

When commissioning the disciples, Jesus turned to them and declared that they, "Go and make disciples …," to baptize them and teach them all that He commanded. This is the vision Jesus laid out, and it is the vision for college students.

New Life, a Baptist Collegiate Ministry, disciples students to love the Lord and to love people. In doing so, they reach out to other students on campus, and as they graduate continue to be ministers, no matter their vocation.

Penn State is one of the largest universities in the country with a student population of more than 46,000 at the main campus. There are 18–20 other evangelical campus ministries reaching approximately 1,200–1,500 students. There is much work to be done.

I serve as director of New Life as well as an elder at a church plant called The Fellowship.

Support the Local Ministry of

Eric Reiber

Ministry Fund ID 009169-Reiber,Eric
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.


Pray that our leadership team will become disciple makers who multiply. Pray that students like Alexa and Emma will put their faith in Jesus. Pray that our staff will be a cohesive unit, loving our students and Jesus well.


You can partner with New Life by connecting as a Sending Church or a Supporting Church. Commit to long-term missions support with us by sending a missions team or receiving us as a missions team. You can also be involved in supporting us and our family.
Many missionaries build a team to join their ministry in prayer, participation, and provision. These friends, family and churches support missionaries beyond the tithes and offerings given within the church plant. Visit for NAMB's policy on providing for church plants.
Fund ID: 009169-Reiber,Eric