Jairo Martinez

Centro Bíblico La Roca, Wisconsin
Lead Church Planter
Waterloo Wisconsin
Centro Bíblico La Roca
November 12
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

My wife, Maria Gladys, is a lawyer by profession. On August 15, we will have been married for 24 years. Our daughter Valentina is studying pre-med biology at Maranatha Baptist University. She will graduate in 2023. We have been living in Wisconsin for four years in a town called Marshall.

The three of us are from Bogota, Colombia. But we moved to the United States because the Lord wanted me to serve Him full time, and for that He opened the doors at Rio Grande Bible College Seminary (August 2011).

My profession is business administrator, and I have a master’s degree in personal finance economics. While the Lord was training me, He gave called me to plant a Hispanic church.

About My Church Plant

For the past seven years, I have been working completely for the Lord. He brought me to this country so I could teach with suitability to every person, young child or old person about the love and mercy that He has shown us by giving us His beloved Son.

The ministry is done for the towns of Waterloo and Marshall as main focuses; however, there are two nearby cities where we also do evangelism and visitation, inviting Hispanics to come to our church, which is La Roca Bible Center.

Currently, we have nine adults who come to the service on Sundays and 20 children who have their service every Thursday afternoon. We have four Bible studies in different homes with 13 people meeting.

We also go to the barracks every week of 45 men who come to do temporary rural work and teach them about the Lord.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions in North America are in desperate need of hope. Ultimately, the only hope that’s going to last - in this life and the next - is the hope of the gospel. North American missionaries build relationships and share this hope in their communities and beyond.


Pray the adults in Marshall and Waterloo will open their spiritual eyes, their minds and hearts to Jesus Christ, especially the parents of each of the children who come with all their energy to learn about Jesus Christ. Pray the children may be strengthened with the Word of the Lord and become pillars of strength in the body of Christ, missionaries and pastors who spread and defend the Word of the Lord.


Come help us maintain a good relationship with each of the Hispanic people, in order to teach them about the need for each person to have a true relationship of love and friendship with Jesus Christ. Send notes of encouragement. Learn birthdays and anniversaries, so you can send gifts and cards.
Learn the ministry strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a missionary financially.