Jeremy Hobbs

Living Faith Bible Fellowship, Florida
Collegiate/University Missionary
Tampa Florida
Living Faith Bible Fellowship
October 1
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

My name is Jeremy Hobbs. I was born in the Sunshine State and currently serve in the great city of Tampa, Fla. In 2019, I graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in photographic technologies. From there, I became a professor for a semester at the State College of Florida, and the following year I taught photography at a high school. During this time as a teacher, God burdened my heart for students.

The burden of student ministry led me to pursue an Master of Arts in Christian Ministry, which I completed in fall 2022. In the search to blend my talents with my passion for ministry, God directed me to the University of South Florida (USF) Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM).

On a personal note, I enjoy carpentry and outdoor activities like surfing, rock climbing, mountain biking, fishing and more.

About My Ministry

The mission of the BCM at USF is to make Christ known as we grow to know Him more. I assist the ministry’s director in capacities such as ministry direction, creative team, production team and building maintenance. I also disciple students as they wade through one of their most significant and challenging life transitions.

The term “university” stems from a Latin compound phrase that, when combined, means “seeking truth together.” The university is a space where students grasp for everything the world offers, whether it be wealth, wisdom, prestige or pleasure. The university is where students go to be educated in what is true. As the world continually seeks to redefine truth, our mission is to share the truth of Jesus so that students’ souls will find rest in their Creator.


Pray for boldness to share the gospel and open hearts among the students at USF. Pray that our staff and students would share Christ in a relational manner that delivers truth in love, powered by the Spirit. Pray that the BCM would be a home away from home for students. Pray for stamina and longevity for ministry amidst attacks from the enemy. Pray for our seniors who are transferring into the work field. Pray they would be grounded in the Word and surrounded by a Christ-filled community.


I am so thankful for your interest in partnering with me as I seek to care for students at the USF BCM. Your partnership, both through prayer and through financial contribution, is absolutely vital to my ministry! I would love to partner with you long-term so we might join together to participate in advancing the gospel to all nations through the BCM’s work at USF!
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