Jeremy Sanders

Cedar Creek Community Church, Texas

Lead Church Planter
Mabank Texas
Cedar Creek Community Church
November 24
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

I have been married to my wife, Misti, for 18 years. We have a 6-year-old daughter whom we were blessed to adopt. If you ask Leighton what adopted means, she will proudly tell you, “CHOSEN!”

Our family had lived in the same house since we got married. We were close to both of our families. We loved where we were, but God began working on our hearts to take a leap of faith, and here we are in East Texas in the Cedar Creek Lake community.

About My Church Plant

Although I grew up in a Christian home, I began to run away from the Lord in my teenage and young adult years. I was far from what others would consider “pastor material.” After getting married and getting back in church, I felt God tugging on my heart and gave me an opportunity to become a youth minister. This was wonderful, and God taught me a lot as I grew in Him.

I then began feeling that tug on my heart again while several others in my life helped validate that tug. God took me as an introvert, and I accepted the call to be a pastor at a small country church for eight years.

God began stirring in mine and Misti’s hearts again, which led us to take our leap of faith. We sold our house and moved several hours away to plant a new church. We were very blessed to be gifted a vacant church building in a high need area for our plant.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions in North America are in desperate need of hope. Ultimately, the only hope that’s going to last - in this life and the next - is the hope of the gospel. North American missionaries build relationships and share this hope in their communities and beyond.

Support the Local Ministry of

Jeremy Sanders

Ministry Fund ID 368162-Sanders,Jerem
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.


Pray for boldness to share the gospel and open hearts among the people to whom we speak. Pray that through this ministry, more people would come to saving faith and live on mission. Pray for stamina and longevity for ministry amidst attacks from the enemy.


An excellent way to participate in ministry with us is financially. The support of wonderful partners in ministry allows us to continue sharing the gospel in the Cedar Creek Lake area so that many unbelievers can come to know the love of Jesus. Another way to participate in ministry with us is via our Facebook page to stay up-to-date on what God is doing through our ministry in East Texas.
Learn the ministry strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a missionary financially.
Fund ID: 368162-Sanders,Jerem