John Schmidt

Resilient Hope Fellowship, Oregon

Lead Church Planter
McMinnville Oregon
Resilient Hope Fellowship
December 7
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

Kim and I are empty-nesters, who are committing the next stage of our kingdom-calling to starting a church in the greater Portland area.

About My Church Plant

Our mission is to develop disciples who go out and reproduce in others—immersing themselves in God and living in the way of Jesus.

We envision a community that is permeated with God-shalom as evidenced by caring for the marginalized, disadvantaged and poor. We envision a place of unity and robust proclamation of the power of the gospel to heal brokenness so there is a downward trend in negative societal statistics.

We envision a place where every follower of Christ in our community is seen as an ambassador of the gospel within their sphere of influence and where disciple making is a way of life that happens inside and outside the church.

We envision a place where reliance on the Holy Spirit and the power of the gospel—not programs, methods or titles—controls how and where God's kingdom expands.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions living in North America have not been reached with the gospel. But a new church makes change possible in an unreached neighborhood.
Send Network church planters immerse themselves in a community, learning the rhythms and culture as they establish relationships with the lost. A church plant grows out of the evangelism efforts of the planter and his core team.

Support the Local Ministry of

John Schmidt

Ministry Fund ID YWQRC2-Schmidt,John
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.


Pray for the planter’s family as they work together in ministry. Pray the church will be established and will faithfully work to plant in other communities, too. Pray the Lord brings leaders who can help within the church. Pray for stamina and longevity for ministry amidst attacks from the enemy.


Connect as a Sending Church or a Supporting Church with a missionary’s work. Commit to long-term missions support with your missionary partner. Be involved in supporting missionaries and their families. Pray for missionaries.
Learn the church plant, its strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a church planter financially.
Fund ID: YWQRC2-Schmidt,John