Jordan Cox

College Park Church, Missouri
Lead Church Planter
St. Louis Missouri
College Park Church
April 3
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About My Family

My wife, Kasey, and I have the great privilege of teaching at Missouri Baptist University (MBU) in St. Louis. I am the Fine Arts Division Chair, Assistant Professor of Music, and Director of Choral Activities and Music Education. I also lead our worship department and help train worship leaders for service in the local church.

Kasey is Assistant Professor of Theatre and the Director of Theatre and Dance. She also oversees our drama outreach teams.

My background is in K–12 music education and bi-vocational music ministry, and Kasey has committed her life to telling stories of redemption, love and forgiveness through the art of theatre.

We have four children: Noah, Jobi, Katy and Lawson. We love working and living life with college students!

About My Church Plant

We planted College Park Church in August 2020. We saw a need for college students to get plugged into a local church. We exist to serve the MBU and surrounding communities by teaching and modeling faithful gathering, biblical literacy and multiplication through discipleship.

The Lord has been so gracious to sustain us and allow us to see students come to know Christ, be baptized, learn how to give and serve sacrificially, develop a love for God's Word and the study of it and to be sent. Walking alongside these students as they journey through faith in Christ and experience moments of great joy and great loss, graduations, internships, jobs, relationships and marriages is not only a blessing, but a privilege, as we keep pointing them to Jesus.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions living in North America have not been reached with the gospel. But a new church makes change possible in an unreached neighborhood.
Send Network church planters immerse themselves in a community, learning the rhythms and culture as they establish relationships with the lost. A church plant grows out of the evangelism efforts of the planter and his core team.


Pray for the planter’s and other leaders' families and as they work together in ministry. Pray the church will be established and will faithfully work to plant at other universities, too. Pray the Lord brings leaders who can help within the church, particularly student leaders who are being developed. Pray for stamina and longevity for ministry amidst attacks from the enemy.


Build relationships with a church planter, team members and their families. Send notes of encouragement. Send gifts and cards on birthdays and anniversaries. Give financially to help provide Bible study resources, books to further spiritual growth, and funds to send young adults on mission trips and to conferences as we pray for them to become the next leaders in local churches across the globe.
Learn the church plant, its strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a church planter financially.