Joseph Gibbons

Favor City Church, Nevada
Lead Church Planter
Las Vegas Nevada
Favor City Church
October 8
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

My wife, Kristen, and I are cherishing this unique season of planting. We stand amazed at what God is allowing us to be part of! Kristen and I have been so blessed through the assessment and care that the North American Mission Board staff has provided to us as we embrace this new adventure.

We have two children. Our son, Canon, is 5, and our daughter, Riley Jo, is 3. Canon is a one-of-a-kind personality, who is incredibly creative and full of life. Riley Jo has an incredible level of empathy and compassion. However, don’t be fooled, she runs the show and isn’t afraid to tell you! :) Our greatest prayer for our kids is that they would come to love people with the unconditional love they have received from Jesus.

About My Church Plant

Kristen and I are convinced that God desires to use the local church to reach the world. However, planting this church is a kingdom effort performed by individuals and churches throughout our nation.

As we engage the city of Las Vegas, our hearts are broken. The evidence of Luke 10:2 in this city presses deep into our hearts as we explore our calling, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”

Our worldview was rocked when we learned that Las Vegas is our nation’s capital for teenage homelessness. Then God broke our hearts as we met the teenagers who go without the basic cares and protections they deserve.

We know we won’t be the entire solution, but we are committed to doing our part. We are under the conviction that this community needs another life-giving, gospel-centered, multiplying, multi-generational church.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions living in North America have not been reached with the gospel. But a new church makes change possible in an unreached neighborhood.
Send Network church planters immerse themselves in a community, learning the rhythms and culture as they establish relationships with the lost. A church plant grows out of the evangelism efforts of the planter and his core team.


Pray our core team families who have relocated will have peace, wisdom and provision as we acclimate to our new city, Las Vegas. Pray by name for the Eades family (Joseph, Cyndi, Cadyn and Ansleigh) as well as the Gibbons family. Pray Luke 10:2 prayers for us as we add laborers and train young leaders. The early church was marked by favor (Acts 2:47). We pray the same for this work. Pray favor for the city and those in the city.


We would love for you to join God’s activity in Las Vegas. Connect with us on social media, @favorcitylv, or our website,, where you can sign up for our newsletter. Our kingdom partners join the mission in three crucial ways. Praying– We believe God moves when we pray. Giving– Your generosity paves the way for the gospel. Going– There is something special about putting your feet on the turf and joining us here in Las Vegas.
Learn the church plant, its strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a church planter financially.