009877-Cabe, Kevin
Church Planting Team Member
New York New York
Metropolitan New York Baptist Association
June 9
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.
About My Family
While living in Knoxville, Tenn., and newly married, Kristi and I felt the Lord leading us to serve in church planting. After nine months of marriage, we found ourselves living and serving in New York City. While serving in the city, we became foster parents and the Lord was gracious in allowing us to adopt our first placement (two girls). Today, they are 6 and 7 years old.
About My Church Plant
We serve multiple churches throughout the New York City (NYC) metro area through the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association and Mission City Travel. I serve through the local association in recruiting partnerships for NYC churches and assist in churches bringing groups to the city. We love being able to promote local church planting throughout the city. We would love for you to consider partnering with us as we serve the church in New York City.
NAMB Church Planting
Demonstrated Christian character is essential for missionaries and chaplains to gain credibility and build community. A missionary is a person who, in response to God's call and gifting, leaves his or her comfort zone and crosses cultural, geographic or other barriers to proclaim the gospel and live out a Christian witness in obedience to the Great Commission. The North American Mission Board supports missionaries serving across the United States, Canada and their territories. Churches are the missionary incubators and sending centers for missionaries through the Southern Baptist Convention. Missionaries serve in a variety of settings and face tremendous challenges. But the rewards are tremendous and life-changing. Missionaries have the privilege to represent their church and their Father in sharing the gospel as the primary focus of their activity. If you are interested in pursuing next steps as a potential missionary or chaplain from your church, explore the possibilities at namb.net/send-me.