Samuel Agustin

St. Barbara’s Chapel , Manitoba
Military Chaplaincy
Shilo Manitoba
St. Barbara’s Chapel
March 23
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About My Family

I was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I grew up in the Baptist church, and my family was part of a church planting team. After beginning a relationship with Christ, I was open to where and how God was going to use me.

Out of high school, I joined the Canadian Armed Forces and began my military career. After basic training, I realized that God may want me to serve Him by ministering to the soldiers in the Canadian Armed Forces.

I am married to my wife, Michelle (Glenn). We have one son and one daughter.

About My Ministry

I have been serving the Canadian Armed Forces since 1997. I have been in many operations, from security detail during the G8 conference after 9-11, to flood and fire rescue/fighting, to serving overseas in Afghanistan, and in many different positions in the military.

In 2016, God allowed me to transition from a combat arms role of infantry, armoured and recon to chaplaincy. In 2019, I completed a Master of Divinity degree at the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary in Cochrane, Alberta.

I am currently serving as a Canadian Forces Chaplain at Canadian Forces Base Shilo in Manitoba, Canada.

SBC Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy is a vital frontline ministry and extension of the local church. Chaplains reach the lost among the thousands of men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces, correctional facilities, healthcare settings, public safety, disaster relief sites and corporate environments. SBC Chaplains care for the broken, offer hope to the hopeless and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ in hard to reach places.
The qualifications expected of a Southern Baptist applying for endorsement as a chaplain or counselor are established by the using agency and the Chaplains Commission, SBC. These qualification requirements vary according to the type of chaplaincy or counseling ministry involved but all are expected to meet a high level of ministerial competence.


Please pray for me and other Canadian Forces Chaplains as we need to navigate through the political and spiritual minefields we have in our areas of ministry.


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