Sangmin Lee

Silicon Valley Mission Church, California
Lead Church Planter
Campbell California
Silicon Valley Mission Church
April 26
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

My wife, Misoon, and I were married in 2000 in South Korea. We lived in South Korea until 2007. We have one daughter and one son. In 2007, we moved to the U.S. to study, and I finished my doctoral degree in chemistry in 2012. Then, we moved to the Bay Area.

While working as an engineer in Silicon Valley, my family had a chance to visit Paraguay on a mission trip, where we experienced a new life in the mission field and learned how evangelism could be done through missions work. While there, we shared some of our skills through events, such as computer classes and VBS. This motivated us to study at a seminary so we would be better equipped for evangelism work.

Since we saw many unbelieving people in our community, we decided to do mission work in this community with the vision of sharing the love of God with the people around us.

About My Church Plant

Since we found that people in our community are interested in learning computer coding skills, especially youth aged students in local Korean families, we have been building good relationships with some unbelieving families, as they are sending their children to our private coding school. We are encouraging them to participate in the coding class of our church in the future.

In January 2023, we launched a new church called Silicon Valley Mission Church and opened a Sunday youth activity class, teaching coding to local students and trying to use this as an opportunity to invite them and their parents to join Sunday worship service. In addition, we are trying to expand the youth program to music class so we can invite more unbelieving families and encourage their active participation in the church service and program.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions in North America are in desperate need of hope. Ultimately, the only hope that’s going to last - in this life and the next - is the hope of the gospel. North American missionaries build relationships and share this hope in their communities and beyond.


We pray that those unbelieving students will open their minds toward the gospel message and see who God is for them and gradually be converted to believers. We pray that the change in students can serve as a good motivation for their parents to open their minds toward the church service and activities and come to church with their family. We pray that those unbelieving families experience the love of God for their lives through our church and become agents of sharing the good news of church service and activities with their unbelieving neighbors.


We encourage people around us to come and join our church service and student activities so that more unbelieving people in the community can, not only enjoy learning practical coding skills without a financial burden, but also experience the love of God and His special community from the worship service and the fellowships with God’s people.
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