Stephen Jones

Great Oaks Church, Minnesota
Lead Church Planter
Mankato  Minnesota
Great Oaks Church
January 28
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

My wife, Natalie, and I grew up in Des Moines, Iowa. We met at Four Mile Elementary in the fourth grade, and it was love at first sight—for me! Fast forward, we reconnected at Iowa State University at a Salt Company event.

We have now been married for eight years and have four children: Ila (6), Jack (5), Crew (3) and Jace (1). I served on staff with the Salt Company at Iowa State University and at the University of Northern Iowa. We recently moved to Mankato, Minn., to plant Great Oaks Church and start a Salt Company for Minnesota State University!

About My Church Plant

I am so thankful for the faithfulness of my parents and grandparents, who raised me in a gospel-centered home. I repented and believed the gospel in elementary school. I arrived to Iowa State as a freshman, and God brought significant maturity to my faith through the Salt Company.

I studied biology at Iowa State, fully intending to apply for dental school. I began to consider ministry after serving as a leader at Salt, working for a Bible camp during the summers and spending a summer overseas in Southeast Asia. As I was approaching graduation, I decided to change courses and pursue ministry. I worked for my home church and my Dad, who was the lead pastor, for the next year and a half. Natalie and I then returned to Ames to work for Salt Company. The past five years, I have led the Salt Company in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions in North America are in desperate need of hope. Ultimately, the only hope that’s going to last - in this life and the next - is the hope of the gospel. North American missionaries build relationships and share this hope in their communities and beyond.


Transitions: Praise God we have a core team of 45 members, who are mostly moving to Mankato, Minn. Pray God would provide housing, jobs and relationships in the community. Burden: Pray God would open our eyes to the lostness of our new community and campus and that we would feel a burden for people in need of the gospel. Opportunity: Pray God would orchestrate opportunities for us to share the hope of the gospel and serve well in our community. Boldness: Pray that we would have boldness in proclaiming Jesus to friends, neighbors and co-workers.


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