Tali Graham

Church at the Well, East Boston, Massachusetts

Collegiate/University Missionary
Forest Hills Massachusetts
Church at the Well, East Boston
March 22
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

I live in East Boston, Mass. I am originally from Knoxville, Tenn., where I attended the University of Tennessee and earned my undergraduate degree. I am currently a master’s student at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary studying mental health counseling and intercultural studies.

I enjoy hiking and backpacking and playing almost every sport. I have three older brothers who are each married and who are spread across the country. My parents reside in Knoxville, Tenn.

About My Ministry

I am serving as the assistant director of NextGen Boston and am focused on the mobilization of the next generation. My hope is to equip and challenge students to live their lives as everyday, Spirit-led missionaries to reach the nations, specifically in Boston. I serve as the discipleship and leadership development leader for all females and interview students in order to best place them on teams. Finally, I am working to develop a pipeline for students who are called to do ministry in Boston in order to encourage living life on mission in the context of their local church plant.

I also serve the students and young adults of Church at the Well by leading a weekly Bible study and monthly youth nights. My vision for each of these ministries is to inspire a culture of discipleship that works to advance His kingdom.

Support the Local Ministry of

Tali Graham

Ministry Fund ID 339880-Graham,Tali
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.


Pray for the students impacted by NextGen Boston and Church at the Well. Pray for boldness to share the gospel and open hearts among the people to whom I speak. Pray that through this ministry more people would come to saving faith and, therefore, a life on mission. Pray for stamina and longevity for ministry amidst attacks from the enemy.


Send notes of encouragement. I really enjoy receiving letters in the mail!
Learn the ministry strategy and context, so you can provide relevant resources. Support a missionary financially.
Fund ID: 339880-Graham,Tali