Zachary “Matt” Harvey

LifeSpring Church, West Virginia
Lead Church Planter
Cool Ridge West Virginia
LifeSpring Church
October 8
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About My Family

Hi, my name is Matt Harvey, and I serve as the lead pastor of LifeSpring Church. I grew up in Monroe County, West Virginia, where I met my wife, Emma, in high school. Emma directs the children’s program at our local Salvation Army. After graduating from Concord University in 2016 with a finance degree, I came to faith in Christ during my junior year, a decision that transformed my life and sparked my love for theology and ministry.

Before entering full-time ministry, I worked in fitness and financial services, which shaped my leadership skills. Personal training remains a passion and helps me stay involved in the community. In 2021, Emma and I moved to Beckley to serve in a church plant, gaining pastoral leadership experience. Now, we’re excited to serve LifeSpring Church and share God’s love with others.

About My Church Plant

My journey into ministry began in 2018, when I preached my first sermon during a pastoral residency. In 2021, Emma and I moved to Beckley to serve with a church plant, gaining valuable experience in shepherding and discipleship. This solidified my passion for leading others and making disciples.

In 2023, I preached for several churches in the Mountain State Baptist Association’s pulpit supply. Later that year, I was called to LifeSpring Church to lead a replant project. The church had been revitalizing a dying congregation but faced challenges when their pastor retired due to health issues before the end of the first year of launching. It’s been humbling to step into this role and witness the growth.

As I pursue a master’s in theology in 2025, I look forward to further equipping myself to serve God and expand His kingdom.

NAMB Church Planting

Millions in North America are in desperate need of hope. Ultimately, the only hope that’s going to last - in this life and the next - is the hope of the gospel. North American missionaries build relationships and share this hope in their communities and beyond.


Pray for wisdom, humility and strength as I seek to lead and care for others faithfully as an under-shepherd of Christ. Pray for discernment and grace in counseling conversations, that they would be filled with godly wisdom and point others to the hope found in Christ. Pray for diligence, clarity of thought and a deepened love for God’s Word as I begin seminary classes for the first time. Pray that this ministry would be a Christ-exalting effort, marked by the making of disciples who live on mission for His glory.


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