Jeremy Proemsey

Refuge Community Church, California
Lead Church Planter
San Mateo California
Refuge Community Church
November 17
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the North American Mission Board respects the intent of givers while retaining discretion over the use of all gifts. Any gifts received above the specific need will be applied where the need is greatest.

About My Family

Sarah and I have been married since 2005. We have three children. Daughters Isabella and Sophia are identical twins born January 20, 2011. Our son, Jace, was born February 26, 2014.

Sarah and I were born and raised in St. Louis, Mo., where I served as a pastor for eight years and Sarah began her career as a licensed professional clinical counselor (LPCC).

In May 2015, we packed up and moved to the Bay Area, following the Lord’s calling to be part of reaching what is arguably the most spiritually impoverished region of our nation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have hearts to see people come alive in the freedom and victory found only in Jesus and to experience community transformation as a result.

About My Church Plant

Refuge Community Church launched September 15, 2019, in San Mateo, Calif., and experienced more than 30 people come to faith in Jesus in its first few months. San Mateo is a beautifully diverse city located 25 miles south of San Francisco and in the heart of what Barna Research Group has determined to be the most un-churched and de-churched region in the United States.

God has blessed Refuge with an amazingly talented and faithful leadership team that is as diverse as the city in which they serve.

NAMB Church Planting

Demonstrated Christian character is essential for missionaries and chaplains to gain credibility and build community. A missionary is a person who, in response to God's call and gifting, leaves his or her comfort zone and crosses cultural, geographic or other barriers to proclaim the gospel and live out a Christian witness in obedience to the Great Commission. The North American Mission Board supports missionaries serving across the United States, Canada and their territories. Churches are the missionary incubators and sending centers for missionaries through the Southern Baptist Convention. Missionaries serve in a variety of settings and face tremendous challenges. But the rewards are tremendous and life-changing. Missionaries have the privilege to represent their church and their Father in sharing the gospel as the primary focus of their activity. If you are interested in pursuing next steps as a potential missionary or chaplain from your church, explore the possibilities at


Pray those who have already received Jesus since our September launch will take the next steps (baptism, serving, joining a Refuge Group, giving financially, etc.) of their faith journeys and stretch their faith in God as a result. Pray for the financial provision necessary to effectively plant this church in a place with one of the nation’s highest costs of living. We are currently $3,000/month shy of our budget goals. Pray that God would open a door for us to acquire a permanent facility for our church.


GIVE: Join our support team and play a role in reaching the Bay Area with the gospel. Contact us to become a long-term partner. PRAY: Commit to praying for our leaders, mission and our city. GO: Consider coming to San Mateo for a short-term missions trip or joining our team for the long haul. If you’re interested, just shoot us an email at
Many missionaries build a team to join their ministry in prayer, participation, and provision. These friends, family and churches support missionaries beyond the tithes and offerings given within the church plant. Visit for NAMB's policy on providing for church plants.